Monday, April 22, 2013

Horse Riding Lesson

Eva was invited by her best friend to go to her horse riding lesson with her for Bring-a-Buddy-to-the-Barn week.  She went, and I think I'm screwed as far as horse riding camp goes this summer. 



 Besties #2

You get the idea. 

Looks like she had a blast.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ER Trip

As most of you know, Emily had a fall at school during PE yesterday.  She was running and got tripped up by another girl, fell and hit the ground. The first thing the teacher noticed was she came to him and was that she was having trouble breathing - she got the wind knocked out of her.  Then he saw her chin. I was called to make the ER decision, and as soon as I saw her I knew she had to go.  A flap of flesh (fat) was hanging out of her laceration. 

The doctor tried to push it back in so he could just glue it, but that piece just wouldn't stay in there, so after 3 doses of lidocaine (topically so no shots) she got 4 stitches.  And let me tell you, not one tear.  Her PE teacher said she didn't cry when she fell, either.  What a trooper. He must have been worried about her because he texted me while I was at the hospital to check on her. 

The doctor did ask if she blacked out, and she did not. Then last night she started complaining about her knee. And sure enough, it was swollen and bruised.

Poor thing. She did a doozy to herself.

Golf Lessons

David still has hopes of a golfer in the family, mainly for college scholarships.  Sunday was Eva's turn at lessons (Emily had some last summer).  He said she did really well and had a few good, clean hits on the ball.  Maybe I'll look further into that golf camp over the summer. 

I love how she's looking at him in this last picture. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

School House Rock, Jr

Eva was in her school's rendition of School House Rock, Jr this weekend. The kids did a really good job in the show and you could tell they had a great time.

She was a chorus member and Mercury in Interplanet Janet.  They had two choruses, and they split the songs so they all got a lot of stage time. 

Eva is spoiled and expects flowers after each stage performance. 

Emily picked out Eva's roses and presented them to her.  Emily has already told me she wants pink roses when they perform Beauty and the Beast next month.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Starting Over From Scratch

While trying to correct the email address associated with my other blog, I inadvertently deleted my blog. Gone. 

So, here I am starting over from scratch with a new blog. Perhaps this means everything is starting anew.  My last post on my other blog from this morning was that I wrote my last private school tuition check this week, and that I hoped I would not regret it. 

Here's to that!