Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We're in the last 2 weeks of softball and finishing strong. Emily's team is hitting much better than earlier in the season (about 4 weeks ago).  I do think she's ready to be done with it. 
 She missed this pitch...
 ...but got on base the next pitch.

Eva pitched two innings last night. She is starting to get the whole motion, but I think she's over thinking it and trying to concentrate on too many things at once.  If we can get another year of practice, she may have it down next year. 

There are 5 girls on the team that are learning to pitch, and 3 will be out next week.  This means Eva and one other girl will be the only pitchers next week. 

Not sure if all-stars is in our future, but I'll let you know!

Academic Awards

We spent Memorial Day at school for 2 award presentations, which just means our kids are smart.  Eva and Emily got a certificate and ribbon for maintaining a 3.5-3.99 GPA this year.  Eva also received the President's Award for having at least a 3.5 GPA and having all master and advanced scores on her LEAP test. 
 Eva receiving her honor roll certificate.
 Eva's friends.

Eva and her teacher.
The plan for next year is to work on her accelerated reading. She is reading a lot now (for the last month since starting the Harry Potter series), but she just doesn't read a whole lot during the school year, mostly just what is required for school.  Emily will get to start AR in 2nd grade.
Oh, NOW I have a 2nd grader and a 5th grader!!
And for the record, I still love this school.  Best decision ever. 

Art Gala

Their school is arts-based, so naturally an art show was in the books.  Each class did various works of art individually and as a class. 
 Before the gala.
Eva painted (chose) the Norwegian flag (gee, I wonder why...).

Her reason why she picked Norway:

Emily's turtle after her pet turtle (what??).  Actually, Mimi found a turtle and put it in a box for her to see one day. We never thought she'd be so attached to it.  Mama released it shortly after finding it.  A turtle is better off in the 'wild' than in a box, after all.

Emily's butterfly. It reminds me of those Rorschach blots. 

The gala was very cute - all of the artwork was displayed throughout the school. Outside was food, snacks and drinks.  Overall a nice evening. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Class Awards

The end of the year means awards, awards, and more awards.  Today was class awards. Monday is academic awards. 
I was not there today for class awards (I did not know I could be there). She received an Accelerated Reader award, Honey award (because she's sooooo sweet), and a Caring award. Being an International Baccalaureate candidate school means focusing on ten learner profiles, one of those being Caring.  I won't go into it now, but you can read about it here.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

LEAP Test Scores

Louisiana uses the Lousisana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) to assess learning of kids in 4th and 8th grades.  They have to pass it with  a score of 'Basic' to proceed to 5th and 9th grades.  The scores are as follows:
  • Advanced: A student demonstrates superior performance in the subject.
  • Mastery: A student demonstrates competency of challenging subject matter and is well prepared for the next level of schooling.
  • Basic: A student demonstrates only fundamental knowledge and skills in the subject.
  • Approaching Basic: A student only partially demonstrates the fundamental knowledge and skills of the subject.
  • Unsatisfactory: A student does not demonstrate the fundamental knowledge and skills.
They also give an iLEAP for kids in 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades as practice for the actual LEAP test they are required to take in 4th and 8th grades.  Rumor has it that Louisiana is doing away with the LEAP test. I'm sure another will take its place, but I am unsure about that at this time.

Eva's LEAP scores:
  • English - Advanced
  • Math - Advanced
  • Science - Mastery
  • Social Studies - Mastery
This is are excellent scores, and I could not be more proud of her. She was very nervous - the school and teachers make them this way. I just told her to do her best, and all would be fine. I new at the least she would pass with a Basic score. 

I'm 6 days away of having a 5th grader on my hands!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Proud Moment

While perusing Facebook this morning I saw a video posted by someone I know (who has a daughter in Emily's class).  The video was titled, "Kendall reads her new book about her BFF."  Something Emily said this morning about Kendall gave me the feeling that Emily was this particular BFF.

I'd love to post the video because it is so stinking cute, but it's not my video to post, and Kendall is not my daughter,. so I just can't.  It is on You Tube, so you may be able to search it if it's available to watch.  You can also try clicking here.

Basically, kids were not being nice to Kendall on a field trip, and on the ride back to school on the bus Emily saw her crying.  She sat down next to her and asked her what was wrong. Kendall said no one liked her.  Emily told her not to worry, that she'd be her friend.  The sat together the rest of the ride back to school.  Kendall told her mom and dad that she made a new friend. 

That's the gist of it. Kendall made a book out of construction paper about it, brought it to school and read it for her dad.  Her name in the book is Emily Celebrity.  Lol.   It melted my heart. It made me feel so proud of Emily for being that type of person.  I am proud that she was herself and did not follow the other kids. I am proud that she consoled a girl who was upset and said she would be her friend.  This is how true BFFs start off. 

I cannot wait to see her this afternoon so I can play the video for her. 

BFFs for infinity and beyond. Lol.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Muffins for Mom

The PTA at their school organized a light breakfast for moms yesterday.  It was very nice - a rare treat with just me and the girls. 

Pitching, Part Deux

David and I swapped games yesterday, so I got to see Eva play and pitch.  Her form was a little off, but despite this she still struck out a batter.  She had a great game - double, single, and pitched one inning. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Well, Daddy has himself a pitcher.  And I don't have any pictures.

Emily had a game at 5:30, and I stayed with her while David took Eva to her game (at a different park 15-20 minutes away).  Tomorrow they each have a game, so perhaps I can go to hers and get some pictures, if she pitches.  There are 4 girls, maybe 5, who are trying out pitching, so it'll depend on who's up next. 

The rules for ages 9-10 softball (fastpitch) allow the girls to pitch until they walk 4 batters in.  After that, the coach comes out and pitches the rest of the inning.  Eva pitched the 2nd inning where she walked one, struck one out, walked one, struck 2 out.  She struck out 3 batters and their coach never had to go out to pitch.  Her team was so excited for her, telling her how awesome she was and jumping on her. David was so excited for her he even called me from the field to tell me about it.  Proud Papa. 

I'll update again, hopefully with pictures, after tomorrow's game.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Jazz Fest

We were not planning on going this year because of the cost, but we ended up getting free tickets. How could we refuse? 
It was a super-nice day.  The weather this spring has been pristine.  We were nomads - which is how we always did it before kids, and is how we prefer to do jazz fest.  
Great food, great music, great weather. A trifecta!