Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The first meeting was last night, a Bridging Ceremony, for those that were in Girl Scouts last year. The new girls got a welcome certificate and a pin for their vests.  Next year Emily will received patches for everything she participated in.

She's already participated in Arts and Crafts (Painting with a Twist), and next weekend is a theater workshop at Renaissance Festival (which is not open yet).  In November they will do the Corn Maze. 

I think she is really going to enjoy getting to do all of these different activities that she normally doesn't get to do.  Some of them allow sibling to join in also, if they want.

This is before the ceremony.  She's really starting to look all grown up. Sniff.

A Celebration

This is our celebration week. David's birthday (40!!) comes first, followed by our anniversary on the 26th (our 12th).  Eva's birthday is next, on Oct. 1.  We went to dinner at Mellow Mushroom to celebrate as a family, which we usually don't due. Normally, David and I get a hotel room somewhere to celebrate his birthday and our anniversary, then Eva has a party. This year, since David is not working right now, we toned it down and had one family celebration dinner (besides cake and presents on their actual birthdays).

I really wanted to throw David a 40th birthday party, but it just wasn't in the cards this year. Eva (and Emily) were told that there will be no birthday parties this year. There were tears from Eva, but I assured her she was getting a better gift since there was no party. Maybe next year there will be a joint surprise party...

That was the only picture I took. 
Happy 40th Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday to us!!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Back to School Neon Dance

Here are a couple of pictures Eva took at her back to school dance with some friends.  She had a great time, and 4 girls came over afterwards and spent the night.

These are a couple that I took, one before the dance and one right before we left.

Do you see Eva eating nachos? 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Girl Scouts

After asking to join ALL of last year, I decided to let her do it this year. Her bff is in Girl Scouts, so that is what prompted all of this.  Their first meeting/event was at Painting with a Twist, and they painted Pretty in Paris. 
 Her masterpiece.

 Emily and her bff.
A silly picture with their paintings.
The next meeting is next Saturday. Her uniform is in transit with the required pins. I'll post that pic when they come in.

Volleyball Video

This is just a quick video of Eva spiking the ball.


Emily was baptized in the Bogue Falaya River this pas Sunday. In the video she is the next to last person on the right in a dark shirt. Someone runs in at the last minute to the right and she is next to him.  This was her decision, unprovoked by us.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Volleyball Picture

As promised, an action shot:

She is doing well, busting her butt and giving it her all.  Some girls are serving overhand, but I think she needs to stick with underhand until she builds some strength up in those skinny arms. That is probably her biggest issue: strength. Once she starts putting some weight/muscle on she'll improve a lot.  I started putting on muscle in 6th grade, so I expect her to do about the same.
First game is in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

David's Follow-up Appointment

David went in for his follow-up appointment yesterday. The prognosis is good; Dr. D said his surgery went text-book perfect. . Dr. D said he looks great, is very happy he is out walking everyday (with Phoebe). He is used to people coming in and asking for more pain medication, which David did not.   David had a number questions, all which were answered. The hot spot he is feeling in his upper back/lower neck is due to muscle spasms, which will benefit from physical therapy and pain management. The pins and needles and other had issues are due to damaged nerves and will also get better with physical therapy.

He was able to see the bruise on his spine on an x-ray, which he said was pretty big.  He was able to see the titanium plate in his neck, which he said was pretty cool. 

Dr. D said he can't look at how he's doing on a day-to-day basis; he is on a 3 month, 6 month, one year basis.  He goes back next for a CT scan to check fusion and a few days after that for another follow-up.