Wednesday, August 24, 2016

School, Flooding and More

Not a lot has happened since my last post, but enough to have nothing to post, if that makes sense. Two weeks ago we had a crazy storm that dumped about 20 inches of rain in about 24 hours. It had rained pretty much every day for the last month to 6 weeks prior, so the area was already saturated. Most have heard about the horrible flooding in Louisiana, and it's still happening as the water makes its way to the gulf. Some of the tributaries are backed up, and flooding is still causing problems. 

The picture below is across the highway our street connects to (the girls' school is the other end of this road to the right).  We were actually standing on our street looking across.  That is as high as it got by us. We are on the high end of this highway. It drops in elevation as you head to the right (south).

Prior to all of this, we had a great afternoon with family watching Wicked in Houston. What a great show!

First day (13 days ago):

Today was their 2nd first day. Let's hope those storms in the Atlantic headed this way never make it here. I don't think this area can take it again.

Friday, August 5, 2016


I'm pretty sure I posted about this back in May, but Eva's spring rec softball team won first place in their division. The lost one game, the last one, and that was because 2 of their 3 pitchers were out.  They finally had an end of season party where they received their first place trophies.  Way to go girls!

She has just started playing on a travel team. Two other girls from the spring team are also playing with her. I am excited to see how that goes this fall. If all goes well, she can also play in the spring for this travel team. As long as she's on a travel team she cannot play rec ball.