Monday, February 13, 2017

Mardi Gras Mambo 10k

David and I ran the Mardi Gras Mambo 10k in Baton Rouge Saturday. It was a nice run through Baton Rouge, which was different for us. It was warm for this time of year, so the run was a little rough, plus there is an overpass we had to run over in the beginning and end of the race.

This is another race, like the Crescent City Classic, that puts the race on streets that are too small for the amount of people they allow to enter. I doubt I'll run this one again, just like I don't run the Classic any longer for that reason.

We did get a nice medal at the end, though.



Shrek Jr. The Musical

This is the only picture I got of Emily. She was one of the Duloc people in Shrek. Because she was the tallest, she was in the back and very hard to see. I knew where her spot was from working backstage that week, so I knew where to look, otherwise, I'd have never seen her.


While running last Monday, at the very, very end of my run, I fell. Hard. On my knee. The top picture is right after it happened (after I cleaned the blood off) and the bottom picture is 3 days later. Don't let the bottom picture fool you, it was still nasty and painful. In fact, it's now a week later and only looks a little better and still hurts like crazy. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


I know I've neglected the blog for some time now, but life's been a little crazy. This is a summary of what's gone on since October (my last post).

Halloween - Eva was the Queen of Hearts, Eva was the Snow Queen, David was Goose and I was Maverick from Top Gun.

Volleyball ended and softball took over until Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving in Colorado. So many pictures to choose from; these are just a few:

Emily was a Party Girl in the Traveling Nutcracker, which did 7 performances in 2 days. She loved it, and got out of school for a day.

Christmas piano recital

Fulton Street with family to shop, hang out, drink hot chocolate in Santa's boots, listen to Benny Grunch and the Bunch.

Christmas with lots of family visiting. We all went to Christmas in the Oaks this year.

 Emily turned 10 in January! Skate party!

Winter formal for Eva. So grown up!

Art Gala - they each had a number of pieces, this is the only picture I took. 

That pretty much sums up the last 4 months.

Softball has started back. Eva went to a college softball camp last month for a weekend, tried out for an older team but will stay with her current team thru the summer for more play time. She has to move up in the fall, and the team she tried out for wants her to practice with them whenever she can, and they will take her in the fall when she has to move up.

This Friday Emily will be in her school's performance of Shrek Jr. She is one of the Duloc people. I'll take pictures and post them after the weekend.

On Saturday, David and I are running the Mardi Gras Mambo 10k in Baton Rouge. I'll do my best to get a picture of that, but no promises.
