Monday, June 23, 2014

Magic Show

Sonia took the girls to a magic show at the library this morning.  They have events most days of the week for kids during the summer, and she tries to take them when she can. 
Being the lover of life that she is, Eva volunteered to be the magician's helper. 
 Such a captive audience...

 ...and polite.

Can you see Emily in the very back (pink skirt/bow)? This was pre-glasses. 


Emily had complained about her vision being blurry, so I took her to get her vision checked back in October.  The eye doctor said she was a tad nearsighted, but not enough to warrant glasses. He said to bring her back in Feb.  Well, I finally got around to taking her last week so we'd be all set before school started.  According to this doctor, her vision is fine, she just has issues with focusing.  Her little 7 year old eyes get tired focusing between close up and farther away. When this happens her eyes just don't focus, hence blurry vision. Luckily, this is common and she should grow out of it. 
She only has to wear them at school or when looking at a tablet/book.  She can wear them when watching TV if she feels it helps her. She does not need to wear them at any other time. 

I think she's most excited about the matching Vera Bradley case.  Yes, Very Bradley glasses.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Grand Isle

We went to Grand Isle with a group of friends and we all had a blast.  There was lots of crabbing, attempts to fish, running around in the beach, playing on the pier, eating and drinking (by the adults).   There were 8 kids ranging age from 4 to 14.  The 14 year old mainly hung out with the adults, so the other 7 had free range of the camp, pier, etc. 
We were able to catch crabs in the traps and in nets in the surf.  Unless you had a boat, there were no fish to be caught, but there was no lack of trying. 
The pictures are in random order.
 Fishing off the pier.
 Kids playing dominos on our last morning.
 Elmers Island
 Elmers Island

 Trying to catch something...
 Still trying...

 Sad, no-fish-caught face
 On the 3 floor of the deck.

 Elmers Island
 The Magnificent Seven

The plan is to do this again next summer, but probably not mid-June.  We'll have to do some research.  The weather was pretty breezy, downright windy much of the time, and the water was very choppy.  Better luck next year.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Pool Time

Pool time and Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitch's place in Houston.  Emily LOVED Mitch's hat - so much that she stood on it in the pool. Lol!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Burn Notice

We had some boiled crawfish last weekend, and I was all excited to make crawfish pie with the left overs.  When taking it out of the oven (and it looked delicious!) the aluminum pie pan (that I forgot needed to go on a sheet pan in the oven) buckled and splashed on my arm, landed on the oven door and floor.  After many expletives, I finally made it over to the sink to wash it off. I'm fine - it's just shy of a 2nd degree burn.  I can see where the dark spots almost blistered. 
Crawfish pie became crawfish pie mash.  Still tasted good.

Forgotten Pic

I forgot to add this picture of Emily with her honor roll certificate.  It was on my phone while the others were on my camera.  She only had two B's all year!