Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Ballet has resumed this year due to Emily's constant requests over the last year to go back.  Plus this year her friend from school is in class with her (that's her friend with the white bow and Emily with the pink bow).

She is so excited to dance in Rapunzel in May!

Monday, August 11, 2014


Destin trip was wonderful. The surf was calm all week, which is good for just hanging out in the water, but bad for body surfing.  The weather was perfect, not a drop of rain. 
 Our view.
There was lots of girls getting buried in the sand.

Hanging out.
 Eva and Natalie.
 Waiting on a wave.
 Got a little one, not many to be had.

 Hanging out in the hot tub.

 All of the cousins.
We rented kayaks and took the girls out along the shore. Kayaks might be a purchase in the near future.

Us. :)

Friday, August 8, 2014


So my biopsy results came in the day before leaving for the beach:  follicular mucinosis.  This is a rare skin rash that can be associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.  The biopsy was sent off to a second opinion lab. I was allowed to ferment on the possible lymphoma outcome for a week before my second opinion results came back yesterday:  urticaria-like follicular mucinosis.  Better than lymphoma.  Light therapy is one treatment (see photos below) as well as steroid creams. 
This is my rash after 4 days in the sun (beach).  Much better!

The prognosis is obviously better than lymphoma, but I could still have this rash for years.  I will have to have biopsies if the rash does not go away entirely because it still could turn into lymphoma.  Next doctor appointment in 6 weeks. 

Interesting tidbit:  urticaria-like follicular mucinosis is very rare and usually found in middle-aged men. Hmmmm.  Wondering if this is hormonal in any way.