Friday, August 8, 2014


So my biopsy results came in the day before leaving for the beach:  follicular mucinosis.  This is a rare skin rash that can be associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.  The biopsy was sent off to a second opinion lab. I was allowed to ferment on the possible lymphoma outcome for a week before my second opinion results came back yesterday:  urticaria-like follicular mucinosis.  Better than lymphoma.  Light therapy is one treatment (see photos below) as well as steroid creams. 
This is my rash after 4 days in the sun (beach).  Much better!

The prognosis is obviously better than lymphoma, but I could still have this rash for years.  I will have to have biopsies if the rash does not go away entirely because it still could turn into lymphoma.  Next doctor appointment in 6 weeks. 

Interesting tidbit:  urticaria-like follicular mucinosis is very rare and usually found in middle-aged men. Hmmmm.  Wondering if this is hormonal in any way.

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